Resistor 250W 100 Ohm

Resistor 250W 100 Ohm
Rp 123,00
  Beli Resistor 250W 100 Ohm

Lebih Lengkap Mengenai Resistor 250W 100 Ohm

Hybrid 100 ohm terminating load resistors rated at 250 watts continuous power dissipation when installed on an appropriate heat sink.

It is a solder in type part with no RF connectors, and 500 watts PEP for short periods.
They measures approximately 2 inch long x 1 inch wide x .25 inch high and are rated up to 2000 mHz with a VSWR of less than 1.3.

For pulse operation, the part is rated at 2500 watts for 1% duty cycle and pulses less than 100 microseconds. These parts are good to build your own load or for terminating isolator circuits on RF amplifiers.